Professional Indemnity Directors & Officers

Ensure you’re able to defend your professional reputation and personal finances with professional indemnity insurance and directors & officers insurance

If you work as a professional, or are the director of a company, you can be held accountable for your professional practice and may find yourself facing legal action from parties such as dissatisfied clients or shareholders. We can help protect you by ensuring you have the right professional indemnity insurance or directors & officers insurance in place.

If you charge others for your services, professional indemnity insurance is essential as it provides vital protection for any errors or omissions in your advice, design or service, where a client of yours feels that you are responsible for damage or financial loss that they have incurred.

The cover is often overlooked however in every trade or occupation it is easy to miscalculate, misinterpret or even just plain forget something which may have disastrous consequences on fulfilment of your obligations or service.

Even if you have done nothing wrong, or the claim you face is minor, or centres around a simple misunderstanding, legal expenses quickly add up and you could very quickly find yourself in a financially difficult situation if you are not covered.

Similarly, the directors, officers and leaders of a company are liable for any errors or decisions that lead to financial loss or damage. Your actions, or in-actions, may result in claims from regulatory bodies or aggrieved shareholders, employees and clients. Directors & officers insurance can offer you vital protection in these situations and at Independent Insurance Bureau Ltd, we’ll work with you to ensure you have the right level of cover in place.

To find out more about some of the cover we can provide, simply click the options below or get in touch to talk to an experienced insurance advisor today.