Simple ways to secure your property from blowtorch burglars
A recent incident in West Yorkshire revealed footage of thieves using a blowtorch to break into a victim’s home, take their car keys and steal their £30,000 Audi from their driveway. Despite the shocking nature of the crime, this technique isn’t new in the world of criminals, with a similar spate of events having previously been reported in April 2018. Thieves use blowtorches to melt the locks of uPVC doors to steal the keys for their cars, along with any other valuables they can quickly get their hands on.
Police have commented that burglars have come up with unusual ways to infiltrate homes and blowtorch burglaries are just one of them. This means that people need to keep their security up to scratch.
Improving your home security
To ensure your home is as secure as it can be, it helps to ensure you’re one step ahead of the criminals who could potentially target your property. This will not only help to keep your property safe but will also give you peace of mind that you are secure in your own home.
Some of the measures you can take include reinforcing or changing your doors so they can’t be accessed as easily, along with updating your locks and exterior security.
Measures you can implement:
- Add sash jammers to uPVC doors
- Fit wood and steel composite doors
- Fit snapsafe locks to external doors, including patio doors
- Invest in Euro-Cylinder locks
- Consider a motion detector alarm/lighting for your driveway
Preparation is key
Utilising the right security measures now can save you a lot of time, heartache and stress in the future should a burglary occur. There is a huge range of different security measures available on the market which can help you and your home stay safe. As tempting as it may seem, don’t keep desirable items such as your car keys with you overnight as it may lead a thief further into your home, putting your personal safety at risk.
With the right security in place, your property will be fortified and, should a thief break through, your insurance should take care of the financial side of things. Without the right security in place as specified by your insurers, you could be at risk of voiding your policy, meaning your claim may not be accepted should something go wrong.
To ensure you’re aware of the exclusions and limitations of your existing home and motor cover, or to discuss arranging a new policy, get a no-obligation review with a member of our team at Independent Insurance Bureau Ltd Simply call us on 01530 215047