Category: Company News

Holiday Home Insurance

Top tips for protecting your home and garden this summer

Holiday Home Insurance

Top tips for protecting your home and garden this spring/summer It’s the time of the year when the sun is shining and many of us are getting on with our summer wish list. Whether you want to begin your new DIY and gardening project or take that long-awaited break away from home, we’ve put together… Read more »

Important Announcement Effective 20th March 2023

Sometimes in life, we have to have grown-up conversations and make difficult decisions and this is one of those times. We have had offices in Loughborough since 1973, but in order to continue to provide you with competitive premiums and expert advice we will be operating your account from our Ashby Office with the same… Read more »

Tackling the rise of cybercrime during the coronavirus pandemic

Tackling the rise of cybercrime during the coronavirus pandemic As millions of employees are now working from home, many companies have been forced to actively tackle the excess strain on their VPNs and other systems. This inadvertent ‘stress testing’ has revealed both minor and much more significant vulnerabilities across countless businesses’ IT systems worldwide. From… Read more »

Business Update

Dear Clients, Firstly, we want to say thank you for being patient with our team during the recent COVID-19 situation. We are working hard behind the scenes to keep it business as usual, our team are still available to help you via the telephone and email. However, following the latest government advice our offices will… Read more »

Corona Virus Event Cancellation

On Wednesday 4 March, the government said it would declare coronavirus a “notifiable disease”, something which is required by most insurance policies in order to payout. However, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) confirmed that while this may help businesses if the virus is found on-site, most business insurance policies are still unlikely to cover… Read more »

The future of the modern workplace

When we look back, office design has come a long way, and nowadays, even the more traditional of businesses tend to be more sociable and collaborative than a decade ago. With user-centric design on the up and an increased awareness of the link between wellbeing and productivity, more and more businesses are giving their offices… Read more »

Directors and Officers Insurance: A business essential

Imagine you have the opportunity to invest £100,000 for your company, with a 70% chance of providing a 20% return within five years. Do you decide to go for it? Now consider whether your decision would be different if you could be held personally liable for making the wrong decision; your home and other assets… Read more »

Which new car models are most susceptible to keyless theft?

Which new car models are most susceptible to keyless theft? Just purchased a brand-new car? Even though it comes with all the bells and whistles you would expect of a newer model, it might not be as secure from break-ins as you would expect. The Relay Attack In response to a new criminal technique of… Read more »

Simple ways to secure your property from blowtorch burglars

    A recent incident in West Yorkshire revealed footage of thieves using a blowtorch to break into a victim’s home, take their car keys and steal their £30,000 Audi from their driveway. Despite the shocking nature of the crime, this technique isn’t new in the world of criminals, with a similar spate of events… Read more »